Aug 16, 2013

Supernatural women - Kaley Cuoco

Everyone knows actress Kaley Cuoco from her starring role in the hit TV comedy "The Big Bang Theory" but how many people remember that in the eighth season of the TV show "Charmed" she appeared as Billie Jenkins, a powerful young witch with the powers of telekinesis and projection?

For more Kaley, click HERE


  1. Blue shoes are too tight!! Poor toes! They look awfull!!

  2. Verry pleased with the blue pumps. Mega tc.. Hmmm.. Nice
    I can only imagine how they would look in real life.. Bang!! In your face cleavage


  3. Me love me some Kaley.. Hot tc in those blue pumps..

    Number 3.5

  4. Very hot the blue pumps. I just want to know the brand of those hot pumps.

  5. I already miss Katey Perry on the header but Jenifer Lopez is a nice change up! Thanks for the time and effort you put in to your blog for us to enjoy!

  6. Very good TC the blue ones! The black ones seem to be too large, but from these blue ones I can´t get enough!!!
