May 8, 2014

Emma Stone (day 7)

And thus ends our (some would say obsessive) look at the vivacious Emma Stone.

For a final look at a big file of these pics, click HERE


  1. It is only Thursday.
    We have to fill the gap.

    30% more emma.

  2. Thank god this is finally over!

    1. Sorry I forced you to look at the legs and toe cleavage of a very attractive young actress. Maybe you should just go somewhere else to make you happy.

  3. Now, now, Number2 - not every post will be loved by all, and free expression is good. As they sing in Frozen, "Let it Go"!

    1. Well it's clearly my fault for running this site for four years, spending my time and money and having put this poor soul through the torture of the hideous Emma Stone for a whole seven days. It's not like he could have gone anywhere else or looked at any of the other 1200 posts to get his fix of toe cleavage. No, I'm very glad that he took the time to let me know that my efforts are appreciated and I just wasn't up to snuff this week. I mean, he could have just said nothing and how would I have known of his utter disappointment in this completely free blog. It's too bad he posted anonymously or I could have sent him an e-mail directly ask him how I could change the blog to suit him better. Maybe instead of updating daily I could update twice a day? Maybe I should run every post by him first? After all, what if I accidentally posted another attractive 25 year old actress that didn't meet with his high standards and he was forced, FORCED to look at her day after day? Gee I don't know if I could handle that - I might just have to stop running the blog, freeing up hours of time every week. I can only HOPE that I can do better...

    2. As the saying goes: "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all". That being said I think we all should appreciate the effort Number 2 puts into this blog and entertains us every single day. Some days more than others, but that's inherent to life. If you do not like the way Number 2 is handling his own blog, either look for another source for your pleasure or supply him with images or suggestions you'd rather see.

      Number 2, keep going strong.


    3. What I was trying to say, Number2, was just don't take it so personally. As I understand it, the comments are about the person(s) in the photo, definitely not the blog itself. Out of thousands of daily viewers, there are going to be some detractors and not all the comments will be positive.

    4. I think the overwhelming majority of us love the site and appreciate the work you put into it. We would not be checking it out if this were not the case...

  4. she certainly has pretty feet and arches and i enjoy viewing, but i am looking foward to friday


  5. Don't stop posting! I love this blog and really appreciate your efforts number2. As I've said in previous posts I love the fact that there's so much diversity of taste amongst us in this fairly narrow area. I'm always surprised when people make disparaging comments - agree they should just move on and wait for the next day.

    Thanks for all your efforts.

    1. PS I think Emma Stone is gorgeous.

  6. I would like to see some paula patton saw some of her photo on access in high heels I think she would be a good candidate on your page and I still want to see more carmen Electra atleast a week of gonna keep asking for you to post her..

    1. Love to see more Paula Patton and Carmen Electra as well but it doesn't matter how much you ask, if the toe cleavage pictures aren't out there, I can't post them.

  7. I love your site.still want to see more carmen told you ill keep asking. (Sleepless in seattle)

  8. I love Emma Stone! She's beautiful and has pretty archs. Number 2 you do a great work and your site is really good. I respect your views.

  9. A wise friend of mine gave me a neck tie years ago that had letters written all over it very creatively that said DLTBGYD. (don't let the bastards get you down) Thanks for your efforts on your blog!!!!

  10. The gorgeous Emma Stone wearing a suit? I love it, her insteps look very nice. I look forward to the second edition of the Emma Stone Week. Also, I have to say I agree with Number 2, and not only because I like Emma, but it is a little idiotic to say stuff like "this post is terrible", it doesn't add anything, doesn't make this blog better, there a lot of names on the right, go check them, go check wikifeet, they have thousands of photos, or are you some guy with a juvenile idea like "if I don't like it, nobody should"?
