Aug 1, 2016

Twitter pics - July (part 2)

Damn! Is it August already? It's damn hot out there!

But is it hotter than these Twitter pics? You decide.

Get 'em all at once right HERE


  1. strong, solid set No. 2 a couple of new looks/pumps to see.. very nice! thanks for this delightful twit-pic post

  2. Yes great set. Some stellar examples of spikey heel and beautiful tc. Pic 3 and 20 great shoes. Can't really explain why TC is so alluring. It just IS. Especially 1-2 or 1-2-3 style. The hint of candy .....

  3. some real great pics love the steering wheel and the black nylons

  4. Another great set of pics. Thank you No. 2!
