Sep 19, 2016

Slit skirts - Britney Spears

Jennifer Lopez is a singer/dancer/actress. Britney Spears is a singer/dancer/actress.
Jennifer Lopez has a Las Vegas residency. Britney Spears has a Las Vegas residency.
Jennifer Lopez has two kids. Britney Spears has two kids.
Jennifer Lopez appeared on the Toe Cleavage Blog in a slit skirt. Britney Spears is now appearing on the Toe Cleavage Blog in a slit skirt.

And you know I've got some more Britney, bitch! Click HERE


  1. damn....such a nice way to start the week....whew

  2. It's been a while ago sinds i'ff seen some pinky popping heels and feet. And it's nog cause there to small (visible in the back) it's of the wide feet.. (something I love to see)

  3. Nice topic no.2... This week wil be a delight to me

  4. Really liked your intro to this set. Very entertaining. The slit shows off her legs nicely too. Thanks!

  5. Me exita ver como se ve que se le salen los dedos por los bordes de los zapatos, me fasina que tiene los pies anchos y se ven pretados y eso me vuelve loco. Toe cleavage perfecto

  6. superb outfit that Britney is wearing! the Toe cleavage is amazing! and preferred over boob cleavage!
