Jul 30, 2017

Blue - Reese Witherspoon

You can never go wrong with some of Oscar winner and former Toe Cleavage Woman of the Year Reese Witherspoon...

And to prove that, there's more pics of her over HERE


  1. Replies
    1. I'm sorry, I don't take requests for that. Maybe you can find another blog.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. maybe you don't understand me, she's man's feet.

    4. Look, if you want man's feet, I'm sure there another place you can find it. Reese Witherspoon is an attractive woman. I'm not sure why you insist on thinking she's a man.

    5. I see you don't understand me again, with apples, I don't think she's a man, I think she's (has) man's feet (ugly feet).

    6. Apples on a man's foot is a weird Fetish for sure, but to each his own. Good luck finding a blog with that. Here we just feature women (with women's feet) and, unfortunately, no apples.

    7. "feature women with women's feet" if it is, why is RW here? ...

  2. The one who doesn't understand irony keep saying people don't understand him.
    So funny, so sad...
