Three years, two months and twenty-eight days ago The Toe Cleavage Blog was born.
Today we reach the milestone of
1000 posts
Here's some semi-interesting stats:
Posts - one thousand (duh)
Pageviews all-time - over two million
Comments - over two thousand
Over half of the pageviews come from the USA with the UK and Germany at #2 and #3
Top three posts of all time by number of pageviews
New month, new toe cleavage - a couple of Carolines
Who's missing? aka the Wish List
New-vember - Beth Behrs
Number of different celebrity women posted - 475
Most posted woman - a tie between
Kim Kardashian and
Rihanna at 19 appearances apiece
I want to thank the chief for his original
toe cleavage blog, my regular commenters (Number3.5, Dutch, Fangflyer, Bad Anon, Munich, ~ZERO, BW, Jebb, Jeff) and all my anonymous commenters. Good or bad, I read all the comments and it keeps me going to know that there are other like-minded individuals out there. Sorry I have to put the approval on the comments but it means the rest of you don't have to see spam or idiotic comments like 'white meat only'. Double thanks to anyone who's clicked on the Amazon banner.
There will be a few cosmetic changes coming to the blog soon, probably next week. Nothing major.
And who gets to be the lucky lady who is Ms. Post #1000?
None other than my wife, making her first appearance here since
April 1, 2010.